Sales and Business Growth Resources by Partners in Performance
Video Training

“13 Expert Tips to Create Truly Persuasive Presentations” Video Training from the UPFRONT Persuasion™ Series
47-Minute Video and Bonus Handouts by Tanja Parsley and Judie Knoerle $49
Discover the system compelling presenters use to deliver persuasive presentations! Tanja Parsley and Judie Knoerle’s video training reveals how to prepare, construct and deliver presentations with professionalism, authenticity and confidence.
*This program can also be tailored for your organization and delivered in-house.
“Slide Design and Makeovers” Video Training
60-Minute Video and Slides by Dave Paradi $49
Get practical techniques and tools you can use immediately with PowerPoint that will make you look like a seasoned pro at the front of the room. This one hour video training is presented by Dave Paradi, a presentation expert, and is a perfect addition to the UPFRONT Persuasion™ video training or as a standalone presentation.
Partners in Performance
13892 Ninth Line | Georgetown, ON L7G 4S8, Canada
Phone: (905) 877-5808
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