How can you make sure all your client emails get opened? Put yourself in your clients’ shoes and think about what goes through their minds.
“Why should I open this email now?” This is the question that your clients and prospects ask themselves each and every time they face their mountain of emails each and every single day. How can you make sure the emails you send to your clients get opened every time?
Email … Read More
In writing persuasive emails to your clients, the subject line holds the magnetic words that will compel them to open your email.
“Open Sesame!” are the magical words used by Ali Baba in the Arabian Nights to open the door to the den filled with gold. So popular is the phrase that it has earned its place in the English Dictionary to mean “something that allows a person to enter something successfully and easily and unfailingly brings about a desired end”.
Without a … Read More
When an email starts with “Your email is important to us,” you can be sure it’s been generated by an automatic responder system. In other words, it hasn’t been written specifically to you by some attentive person who’s actually read your email. It’s a lie.
And yet how many of us write personal emails to clients and people we do business with – i.e. real people – and sound just as phony, just as impersonal? Worse, we write emails to clients that address our own needs and interests with little … Read More
This is the third post in a series on referral marketing. In our first post, 3 Reasons You’re Not Using Referral Marketing for New Leads, we explored how our mindset gets in our own way. We then focused on when to ask a client for a referral and the importance of specificity. In this post we’ll look at how to ask a client for a referral, so that it actually turns into a great sales lead.
Early in my career, I used to marvel at ‘Susie’ who was consistently the top … Read More
When is the best time to ask for a referral?
When you have delivered value and have demonstrated your abilities to impact behaviours and results, then you have earned the right to ask your client for a referral.
This can happen any time during a client engagement:
When you’ve delivered a great idea When you’ve had a great consulting session When they express appreciation for your work Most certainly the end of a successful project is a natural moment to ask
You would never forget to send a client the invoice … Read More
The most streamlined source of new business is to develop opportunities with existing clients, including asking them for referrals.
Event marketing, email marketing, research marketing, social media marketing are all excellent strategies for getting new leads for sales. But by far, one of the most under-utilized source of new business: referral marketing.
According to a study titled “Referral Programs and Customer Value” (published January 2011 issue of the American Marketing Association’s Journal of Marketing), customer referral programs are indeed a financially attractive way for firms to acquire new … Read More

Email persuasion is a hot topic.
Let’s face it. Just like you, your clients are inundated DAILY with an avalanche of emails. And then it starts all over again. Day in and day out.
I consistently hear people ask “How do I get clients to respond to emails?” or if they do respond, “How can I better results from my email communications?”
Writing a great email makes the difference between getting a response, getting a meeting and making the sale. Using persuasive words and phrases is certainly a … Read More
How can your presentations be persuasive? Do you allow filler words to diminish the power of your message?
Words have great power to be persuasive as highlighted in our post The 12 Most Persuasive Words of the English Language.
But when words are used as fillers to replace what should be a pause, they do just the opposite. You risk losing credibility, your audience and your sales opportunity.
The following guest post by Judie Knoerle author of UPFRONT Persuasion Through Presentation gives you some tips on how to be … Read More
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