Using ‘Perceptual Positions’ is a powerful way to mentally shift into your client’s shoes and gain that powerful client perspective. But here’s what I recently learned when I actually physically experienced the world from my client’s perspective. It was astonishing!
A new prospect phoned me to let me know she was interested in purchasing my video training on ‘13 Expert Tips for Creating Truly Persuasive Presentations’. She expressed frustration because the information page lacked clarity about what she was actually buying and in what format. Yikes! I was very grateful for … Read More
Which of these selling skills do you believe to be the most important?
Prospecting skills? Questioning abilities? Objection handling? Closing skills? Ability to deliver a great presentation? Get referrals?
All are important. But I believe there’s one that beats all the rest hands down. It’s the ability to put yourself in your client’s shoes. To think like they think and feel what they feel. And to see the world from their perspective.
… Read More
Persuasive words sell. There are multiple ways to weave persuasion into the fabric of your presentation. This week in Toronto, we had a lot of fun in our UPFRONT Persuasion workshop playing with persuasive words.
Thorough preparation and proper structure are essential for a compelling delivery: they foster confidence and your ability to walk through your presentation in a clear and logical way.
Part of your preparation should most certainly include developing relevant stories for social proof, analogies and evidence to support your … Read More
Whether you’re coaching an employee or yourself, to use coaching for results you need a model that works to bring about high performance. I’ve used a good model for years and can apply it to any client situation. It works really well with sales and presentations. Here is a recent sample of a coaching session where I demonstrate the model I use.
The key to a good model is that it must be useful. As stated in wikipedia “Conceptual models represent human intentions … Read More
I invite you to listen in on a conversation I recently had about Intentional Selling with Denise Wakeman. This is an important conversation you need to be having about your own selling intentions.
Denise Wakeman, a guru in online visibility marketing, recently hosted one of her ‘Conversations with Experts’ episodes and interviewed me.
The topic was How to Sell with Intention to Create More Results. In our 30 minute conversation we discussed the 6-step sales process I have developed to help entrepreneurs, business … Read More
Preparation is the first step in the Intentional Selling 6-Step Process, as it is in any sales system process. Yet, when I work with sales professionals and we do a post-mortem sales autopsy, it’s the first place things go wrong – in the preparation, before there’s even any contact with the client!
Don’t let this happen to you. It’s avoidable. You have control over your sales preparation.
Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. But not all preparation is the same. Knowing how … Read More
If I were to ask you to specifically define your sales process and tell me why it works to produce sales results, what would you say? My hunch is you would struggle with your answer.
That’s because one of the most all too common mistakes made by sales people from all industries and professions is their lack of a disciplined, intentional sales process that stacks up against well established best practices.
How can it be that organizations understand the importance … Read More
In a previous post I discussed the Power of Intention for Accelerating Sales Results. The notion of intention is a foundational building block that I weave into all of my coaching and Intentional Selling sales process skills training. That’s how important it is.
If you want to increase your sales results and shorten your selling cycles, there is nothing more streamlined than becoming aware of how your mindset impacts your selling behaviour. Read my post on Intentional Selling: Why 3 out of 4 People Suck at Sales to learn more … Read More
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