Create a State-of-the-Art, Engaging Experience for Participants

Extraordinary Webinars™ Webinar Series by Tanja Parsley and Gene Daley

Extraordinary Webinars Live WebinarSubscribe today for updates about upcoming Webinars.

Four Day (Two Hour Session Each Day)

Dates To Be Determined

If you would like to or already have jumped on the webinar bandwagon, you’re definitely not alone. There is an ever-increasing demand to use a webinar format to present information, market products and services and to train leaders. The problem? Many people are doing it poorly.

They lack the confidence, the “know how” and the energy that is essential when communicating with a remote, faceless audience.

The Extraordinary Webinars™ four day (two hour session each day) live webinar by Tanja Parsley and Gene Daley will help you:

  • Learn how to use a webinar to present information,
  • Market products and services through a webinar format.
  • Learn how to train learners effectively.
  • Become empowered with the confidence, “know how” and energy required for effectively communicating with your audience.

Upcoming dates for this webinar are to be determined, but check out other available webinars and subscribe to our newsletter to learn of upcoming webinars.