Dramatically Improve Your Team’s Results—Starting with You
Leader Assessments:
Management Style Questionnaire – Emotional Competence Inventory
DISC Style Analysis™ – Myers Brigg Type Indicator ( MBTI) – Enneagram Style
Management Style Questionnaire (MSQ by Haygroup)
Is your managerial style creating a positive climate which enables high performance in your people or a negative climate which inhibits it? The Managerial Style Workbook (MSW) helps you understand your management style and develop your repertoire to get the best out of your people.
In most companies, there is a vast gulf between what employees must do to meet expectations and what they can do if they perform to their full potential. So what makes the difference? Leadership.
Strong leaders create positive climates, which enable high performance cultures characterized by people doing whatever it takes. The ultimate impact of a positive climate is an increase in motivation, productivity and innovation—up to 30% on the bottom line. In the absence of good leaders, a negative climate emerges where people lose faith that things can improve and they disengage, leading to low morale, low productivity and staff turnover.
Highly effective managers demonstrate six distinct patterns of behaviour—six managerial styles. Effective managers have the behavioural flexibility to use all six, in the right measure, at the right time and with the right people to create a positive, energizing work climate for teams.
The six managerial styles are:
- Coercive: securing immediate compliance from team members
- Authoritative: providing long term direction and vision for team members
- Affiliative: creating harmony among team members
- Democratic: building commitment among team
- Pacesetting: accomplishing tasks to high standards of excellence
- Coaching: offering long term professional to team members
Emotional Competence Inventory (Hay ECI 360) ™
Outstanding leaders have one key distinguishing characteristic that differentiates them from average leaders—emotional intelligence. In his book, Becoming a Leader, Warren Bennis, renowned leadership author says, “Emotional Intelligence is much more powerful than IQ or relevant business experience is in determining who emerges as a leader. I.Q. is a threshold competence. You need it, but it doesn’t turn you into a star. Emotional intelligence can.”
What is Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional Intelligence
Fact Sheet [PDF, 101KB]
Emotional intelligence is the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others for motivating ourselves, for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships” (Daniel Goleman).
The Hay Group, pre-eminent in competency research and leadership, cites emotional intelligence as the strongest predictor of success in the workplace. Emotional intelligence is carried through an organization like electricity through wires. A domino effect ripples throughout a company as employees take their emotional cues from the top. The good news is that unlike I.Q., emotional intelligence can be developed.
ECI 360 Assessment
The ECI 360, a multi-rater assessment tool, is the leading edge instrument for measuring emotional intelligence in the workplace. The tool assesses the 18 competencies associated with Daniel Goleman’s model of emotional intelligence and was co-developed by Daniel Goleman and the Hay Group, a global organization specializing in competency research and leadership development.
Partners in Performance is licensed with the Hay Group to assess, coach and develop emotional intelligence. Our workshops and coaching processes help you address the most important issues critical for your leadership and team success—in real time on real issues. You develop the skills of emotional intelligence, then apply them to your real issues. This is a powerful tool for creating profound results.
Highlights of Hay Group’s ECI 360 Assessment:
- 360° web-based instrument with an unlimited number of raters including self, peers, bosses, employees, clients or customers
- Based on analysis of the Hay Group’s unrivalled competency database
- Includes verbatim comments on key strengths and improvement needs
- Individual and team profiles are available
- Confidential written feedback report provided
- One-on-one report feedback and leadership coaching session provided
DISC Style Analysis™ – Behavioural Styles
Do you want to dramatically improve your team’s communications and your own? You can do this by understanding your own behavioural style and the style of those around you.
The DISC Style Analysis™ dramatically improves your communications and interpersonal effectiveness with your clients, managers, co-workers and the many others you come in contact with. The DISC assessment enables you to recognize and utilize the differences in others’ styles and creates win-win outcomes. Think of this as learning a new language. When people “speak” the same language, it becomes easier to understand each other and be understood.
Through an online self-assessment, DISC identifies preferred behavioural styles that are rooted in four important aspects of a person’s behaviour: D – Dominance, I – Influence, S – Steadiness, C – Compliance. The DISC assessment produces 384 different behavioural profiles, which means that individuals do not feel "pegged" or slotted into one of only 4 or 16 different categories.
The self- assessment describes how people do what they do. It provides information about the individual’s "natural" or basic behavioural style, as well as the adaptations to that style at work.
How We Apply DISC:
DISC presents specific information that can be immediately applied: keys to motivating, keys to managing, strengths to leverage, communication preferences, suggested strategies for improved communications with others, and potential areas for development.
Versions are available to help you assess "job fit," benchmark top performers, identify job requirements, select candidates with appropriate profile, plan for succession, identify potential managers, resolve conflicts, build teams, assign tasks according to strengths, and identify suitability to sales and customer service positions.
Highlights of DISC Style Analysis ™
- Used in 40 countries
- Translated into 12 different languages
- Experienced by over 3 million people (since 1984)
- Well-researched and validated
- Response forms conveniently completed online
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
The MBTI is one of the most frequently used self-report assessment tools in management and leadership development programs around the world with more than 50 years of research supporting its development. This is a useful tool to help us recognize the value of each person’s contribution and make the best use of our differences. It provides a useful framework for understanding human behaviour and can help to identify strengths and “blind spots” of a team.
While Social Styles offers the sales professional a tool for ease of recognition of type in the field, the MBTI provides a more complete understanding of individual differences. Self knowledge is the key to effective leadership and the MBTI provides a deeper look at what makes us tick. Applications include personal growth and development, leader, team and organization development, communication, conflict resolution, decision-making and problem-solving.
The Myers Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) is based on Jungian typology and looks specifically at the different ways we prefer to take in information and make decisions.
There are four pairs of preferences:
- Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I) (Focus and source of energy)
- Sensing (S) or Intuiting (N) (Preference for acquiring information)
- Thinking (T) or Feeling (F) (Preference for making decisions)
- Judging (J) or Perceiving (P) (Preferred way of interacting with the world)
In total there are 16 patterns or types each of which is identified by a four letter code derived from the above pairs. Each type has distinct patterns and resulting characteristics.
How the MBTI is Typically Used
MBTI Type theory states that we prefer one within each set of pairs. For some people this preference is abundantly clear and for others it might be only slightly clear. In a similar fashion to handedness, typically, we are either right handed or left handed even if we can use both hands in certain circumstances.
The way our preferences work together directly relates to how we are predisposed to a certain way of communicating and interacting with the world. The theory behind the MBTI is that while our behaviour may seem random, there are patterns that are consistent, based on basic differences in the ways we prefer to use our perception and judgment.
“Perception involves all the ways of becoming aware of things, people, happenings, or ideas. Judgment involves all the ways of coming to conclusions about what has been perceived. If people differ systematically in what they perceive and in how they reach conclusions, then it is only reasonable for them to differ correspondingly in their interests, reactions, values, motivations, and skills."
A Guide to the Development and Use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®
Why is it useful?
- Provides a framework for understanding human behaviour
- Provides a vehicle for self knowledge and self development
- Improves our interaction with others
- Identifies the strengths and "blindspots" of an individual and/or a team
The Enneagram
Understanding Core Motivation and World View
Do you often wonder why people behave the way they do? Learn to recognize and make the most of your team’s diversity and inspire them to share your vision and goals. The Enneagram is an extraordinary framework for understanding yourself, your peers, employees, and the overall “personality” of your team—at the deeper, more significant level of underlying core motivations.
Partners in Performance uses the Enneagram, a personality-typing framework, to identify the dynamics of personality with startling clarity. It makes explicit the fact that people are different and the variety of personality types need to be managed differently.
There are nine different personality types and all have unique, useful and valid perspectives, values, motivations, communication styles, and problem solving approaches. All types have something necessary to contribute to a thriving, balanced work environment.
Benefits of the Enneagram
- Sophisticated and startling accurate: helps people understand themselves and their relationships
- Provides a non-threatening common language to describe issues and problems, discuss reactions, and investigate solutions.
- Helps people shift from problem focused thinking to solution focused thinking. Solutions grow out of insights about the nature of each type and its motivations.
- Helps managers understand what their people really need, and brings more focus to positive capabilities and natural gifts. The result is more harmony and trust, less misunderstanding and conflict.
- Suggests specific action plans and empowers individuals. The Enneagram helps everyone have a clearer idea of what they need to do to improve performance, and "bottom line" productivity.
- Targets both individual and group fulfillment, providing a broader perspective while suggesting specific development paths for each Enneagram type.
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